Mix & Match Interiors

Once a time upon a time, in a far far away land where fairies and unicorns roamed the earth, a rule book for interior design appeared under a puff of smoke.

Got your attention? Good.

Some folks may agree or disagree on this, but I think interior design has been matchy matchy for far too long. Generations and decades have gone by and people still think furniture, patterns, textures, fabric must all match.

Thank goodness it’s 2013 and we can say goodbye to pastel colours, ruffles on cushions and {R.I.P.} plaid fabric in every room. Trendy peeps have hit the fast forward button, thrown out the ancient rule book and are playing the game of mix + match instead.


Mix+Match: Stools, bowls, fabrics and throw cushions

Mix+Match Teacups

Mix+Match vintage teacups

Mix+Match chairs and stools

Mix+Match chairs and stools

Are you matchy matchy or do you prefer to Mix+Match?


2 thoughts on “Mix & Match Interiors

  1. I’m former and aiming to be more latter, like my little sister – she’s the perfect non-matching interiors girl. I think having Bubba has made me want to be a little less neurtral and a little brighter 🙂

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