Happiness is ….



Exploring ‘your stuff’ on a deeper level. Things that stir the soul.

Giving love. Sharing love. Knowing I’m loved.

Sharing secrets with friends.

Appreciating the little things. Mini Magnum ice creams included.

Helping a friend develop their business dream.

A home-cooked dinner.

My dogs greeting me at the door with waggy tails, kisses and their favourite toy each day.

…… and so much more… SO, SO, SO much more. Happiness is chasing after what you believe in—what you dream about—and living life with a huge smile on your face.

Happiness… it’s happening… now.


Will you be my Valentine?

So this post may or may not contain a teeny tiny bit of soppy love stuff today. You can choose to keep reading or switch off.

Here goes …..

It’s Valentines Day. A day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love. A day to spend your hard earned money on flowers that die and chocolates that make you fat and give you pimples.

Honestly, it’s a day full of cheesiness. Hubby and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day which is probably why we are heading to music gig tonight with 500 other people to see Kite String Tangle. How romantic are we?

But who am I to deny cheesiness.

For my lover ……

“I vow to help you love life,

to always hold you with

to have the patience that love demands,

to speak when words are needed,

and to share the silence when they are not,

to agree to disagree about red velvet cake,

to live within the warmth of your heart,

and always call it home.

I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms,

now and forever.

I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.

I vow to love you,

and no matter what challenges might carry us apart,

we will always find a way back to each other”.


Image credit: VisitPerthCity


Things I adore

1. Cooking for loved ones. I was bored on Saturday afternoon and decided to cook my hubby a three course dinner. Haloumi & Balsamic Tomatoes for Entree, Thai Chicken & Pumpkin cakes for Main and this amazing Frozen Raspberry Yoghurt with cream and pastry twirls for dessert {thanks to Fast Ed from Better Homes & Gardens for the inspiration}.


2. The smell of gardenias. I just wish they stayed fresh for longer than 48 hours once picked! The perfect summer scent.


3. New babies being welcomed into the world. It’s the greatest miracle and gift wrapped up in teeny tiny precious bundle.


4. Real Living Magazine. My hubby’s cousin gave me a subscription for Xmas and I LOVE it! Best gift!


5. Southerly change after a hot day. There is nothing better than THAT amazing breeze coming through your doors and windows around 8pm at night. Better yet, jump in some ice like this furry fella.

stay cool-resized-600



Searching for it? Falling into it? Maybe you’ve already found it?

A very dear friend of mine is falling in love with somebody special. I’m serious! My friend is falling in love as I type this. For the past few weeks I’ve listened and read about every lovey dovey sentiment known to womankind ….. and it’s so frikken cute!

{Darling anonymous friend, if you’re reading this ….. “sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G”}.

Remember the crazy butterfly feeling you get when you fall in love? Being giddy with excitement and every waking moment is consumed by thoughts of your lover? {It’s been a while for me, but I think I remember it feeling like this}.

Love is what we’re all wanting and ultimately the greatest gift we can give somebody. It’s affection and pleasure. It’s a virtue, a state of mind, an intimacy. Love makes us do crazy things. It also centres us, fills us with compassion and kindness.

And let’s not forget about lust!


Searching for love? It always happens when you least expect it. Increase your social life. Say ‘YES’ to every invitation. Have faith that your life is exactly where it’s supposed to be right now.

Falling in love? You start dating, meet friends, meet family, become exclusive, send 100 texts a day, wear cute knickers, talk and talk on the phone, snuggle on the couch with a bad rom com movie, leave love notes in cars/drawers/pillow, discuss future dreams …. and before you know the words ‘I LOVE YOU’ have escaped your lips without warning.

Found love? Love and pure happiness is waking up in the middle of the night, and feeling the heat of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful and vulnerable state. You smile, kiss their face in the most gentle manner so as not to wake them. You turn back around and an involuntary grin forms on your own face. You feel an arm wrap around your waist and you know it doesn’t get any better than this. That’s love.


Love is complicated and yet so simple, don’t you think? I feel extremely blessed to have found ‘The One’ that makes me want to wake up every morning and kiss his face.


Weekly Lovers List {21JAN14}

Believe it or not ……. my lovely finds this week won’t have you reaching for the credit card. No shopping involved! It’s all about self improvement instead.


1. This is a quirky blog I stumbled across during the week. The Still blog is a place where you can stop. Look at one thing at a time. Be still. {Great place to practice your breathing too}.

2. TheLoverList loves a challenge …. especially a photo challenge. I’m currently taking part in 100HappyDays on Instagram (follow me here}. The aim is to take a photo each day, for 100 days, of something that makes you happy. Sounds too easy, right? Wrong! 71% of participants fail the challenge because they are too busy. {Too busy to be happy?}. Anyone can join in. Just register, select a start date and come join me!

3. Creativity gets my blood pumping! I offered to help a friend create her Facebook cover photo and logo this week. What do you think? I love love love the popping colour combination.Go check out Food, Health & Fashion.

4. I read an interesting article last week titled This Man Is Dating Someone Even Though He’s Married. It sounds horrid but it resonated with me ….. and I may or may not have sent the article link to my husband!




Goodbye 2013

What a year it’s been; in fact, it’s probably the best year of my life so far. The major reason for all the excitement stemmed from my OBGYN ordering me to take a year off trying to have babies {and have fun instead}. This resulted in two overseas trips, lots of adventure, self exploration, healing and a tonne of the happiest memories a gal could have!

My New Year resolution for 2013 was to try and say ‘yes‘ more. Lordy, did this little resolution change my life.

I’ve never been happier.

That teeny tiny little word – yes – has created a year full of happy moments with friends, laughter with family, trips away, nights out, tattoos, a new dog etc etc.

I won’t bore you with my trip down memory lane; there are far too many highlights to share. But acknowledging the memory is a fantastic way to generate feelings of thankfulness and appreciation for the good bits in my life.


Hubby and I {are nerds} and keep a gratitude jar in our home. Whenever anything exciting or fun happens, we write it down and pop it in the jar. Today is the day we get to open the jar and read back on the happy moments of 2013.

From Sydney to Cottage Point, Bangkok, Phuket, Melbourne, Hobart, Hunter Valley, Bali & Bondi it’s been a hoot!

Thanks to all the people I met, the new friends I made, the guys and gals who make me a better woman, and of course, my amazing husband Nathan for loving, understanding and supporting me through it all.

Here’s to an even bigger and better 2014… ! Thank you for reading my blog, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, thank you for the laughs and support. My wish for you in 2014 is to create as many happy memories as possible.

Au revoir 2013. It’s been a blast! {Except being bitten on the labia by my dog}.


I vow to always love weddings

I’m attending my cousin’s wedding tomorrow. Excitement central! Everyone loves attending a wedding. Most of us ladies love to frock up, cry through the ceremony, look at our partners lovingly and wipe away a tear. Others {i.e. my husband} enjoy the celebration, speeches and food!

For me, I’m always overwhelmed to witness two best friends commit themselves to one another. A commitment to love, respect, honesty and compromise.

I count my blessings that I found ‘the one’ in my early twenties. Planning my own wedding was super fun and looking back on that period now, I was a CONTROL FREAK. Borderline bridezilla – perhaps? Would I go back and change anything? Probably not. But a girl can dream about renewing her vows right?

I'd wear this Elie Saab gown

I’d wear this Elie Saab gown

Broadcast our love story

Broadcast our love story

Such a lovely idea to honour passed loved ones

Such a lovely idea to honour passed loved ones

I'd have a cake {cupcakes were all the rage 6 years ago}

I’d have a cake {cupcakes were all the rage 6 years ago}


Cute idea for a Maid of Honour to the Groom

Cute idea for a Maid of Honour to the Groom


You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without
~ Author Unknown ~

Photo credits here
