A wrap-up of my week!

It’s been a while since I posted a wrap-up and this week is perfect to re-start it.

  • What a roller-coaster of a week. My emotions exploded last Friday when I published this post about losing my third baby. For those of you that follow The Lovers List on Facebook you would have seen the outpouring of love and support that my husband and I received. I cannot thank you enough for the kind words, support offered and sharing your own personal stories of loss with me. I was unsure about publishing our story but ideally I wanted it to connect with those amazing women (and men) out there who have also suffered the loss of a pregnancy, baby, child.
  • My Christmas preparation plan has disappeared! Whilst my shopping is complete, I still didn’t get time to write out my Christmas cards, wrap gifts or sort out the Christmas decorations. But I did manage to buy myself a new scarf from French Connection and a new dress from St Frock. Priorities people!
  • The finale of Homeland series three. Didn’t anyone else catch it? Holy crap. Edge of the seat stuff!
  • Summer night BBQ’s in our yard. Does anything smell better than meat and onions cooking? Also loving the new daybed we purchased from Bunnings. {Dogs not included}.


  • Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues. Hubby and I got invited to a screening of this move last night. Pretty darn funny. So many cameo’s. {Thanks for the invite Chunk!}
  • Monaco ice cream bars. My local supermarket has had these bad guys on special for the past 2 weeks. How many do you think I’ve consumed?


  • I don’t know about you but I’m doing some serious soul searching this week. {Must be a full moon or something!}. It’s a combination of the year ending, work starting to slow down, friendships being questioned, sad emotions rearing their head and trying to close certain chapters in my life. It’s preparing for the brand new year ahead and setting out to discover my new dreams and ambitions.

Happy Friday peeps!


Let’s wrap up the week


  • Engagement happiness radiates in our family this week. My brother asked his super sweet and gorgeous gal to marry him.
  • How much fun are little boys? I mean, seriously. Such rough little nuggets. I got to spend some FUN time with my nephew Archie and my mum on Saturday. Riding scooters, eating, watching Ninja Turtles, eating, playing with the new puppy, eating and walking around the neighbourhood for hours looking for a playground. Priceless!
  • The Roosters won the 2013 NRL Grand Final. I missed the whole thing. My gal Alyssa kept me entertained with Home Interior magazines and Champagne.
  • Breaking Bad is one of the BEST TV dramas I have ever watched. {Besides Homeland of course}. Hubby and I are watching an episode (or two) every night.
  • Drinking Sprite after a drinking session will cure you of a hangover. According to the Chinese anyway. Researchers found that Sprite (or soda water) speeds up the body’s enzyme’s process, making your hangover disappear quicker. {I still stand by Mineral water, nurofen and HydraLite ice block}.
  • I bought myself some new kicks {runners for those not playing at home}. My new runners look like a neon rainbow threw up on them. I hope peeps don’t laugh at me when I go running.
  • The weekend forecast for Sydney this weekend – SUNSHINE! Boo-Yah!

good week? or bad week?


The wrap-up is here. How was your week?


WORST: Chasing Energy Australia for my electricity bill. Why does it take 10 months for someone to come to the house and read the meter? I’m starting to crap my daks about the $$$ owed.

BEST: My bestie is back in old Sydney town for a few weeks. I’m so excited to share some vino’s and chats with her!

BESTEST: Spending 48 hours with my family last weekend touring the Hunter Valley. We have never had the opportunity to get away, hang out, spend quality drunken time together. My highlights are visiting Tempus Two Estate for their Shiraz, dining at Amanda’s on the Edge for her crab ravioli, dancing up a storm at Potters Brewery and watching my brother Luke taste wine for the first time {insert disgusted facial expression here}.

Over to you. What’s your best and worst of the week?


WANTED: Sleep & wine (not necessarily in that order)

Don’t be fooled by the title. My week was so busy but dragged on waaaaaay to slow for my liking. I visited Melbourne, attended a boozy Rugby BBQ, danced like a 21 year old, tried to catch up on lost sleep, shopped a little, visited my Dr and researched Hunter Valley must-dos!

I promise I worked hard as well.

Let’s kick this off again. What was the best and worse of your week?

WORST: Saying goodbye to my bestie Jess at the airport. Jess lives in Melbourne and I live in Sydney but we try and make it work. Long distance friendships are hard (how on earth do lovers do it?). We try and visit one another as much as possible but it’s never enough! Jess, if you’re reading this, SYDNEY misses you.Move back. Now. That’s an order.

PicMonkey Collage

BEST: Seeing the Rudimental gig at The Enmore on Tuesday night. Perhaps my expectations were low, but these guys exploded onto the stage and didn’t stop for 90 minutes. Ten band members jumping around the stage singing, trumpeting, drumming and harmonising. The gig reminded me so much for seeing Groove Armada for the first time!

THE BESTEST: Leaving work early today to go wine tasting in the Hunter Valley with the family. The Hydralite and Nurofen are ready to go.I’ve also saved my pocket money so I can purchase copious amounts of lovely delicious wine!

Over to you. What’s your best and worst of the week?


Friday fluff: What’s happening in your world?

This is your cue to take a break from whatever you’re doing and have a chat. I wanna hear how your week was and what you did.

Was it good? Was it bad? Did something make you smile?

I’ll kick off. I’m nice like that.

WORST: Food poisoning. Japanese. Both ends. Enough said!

BEST: One of my best gal pals gave me a bottle Moet last Friday as a thank you gift. I did the littlest of favours for her and was rewarded with French bubbles. Sweet baby Jesus. What a delicious gift! Alyssa, if you’re reading this, you are so kind!

BEST: I won a $250 voucher to spend at my fav online store Down That Little Lane. {Thank you again Bronwyn and Shopping Junkie for choosing me!} I’m thinking about spending it on garden wares – or shoes – or artwork – or cushions – or a handbag. OK. OK. OK. I have no idea what to spend it on yet!

BEST: iVillage (sister website to Mamamia) will be featuring yours truly – The Lover List – on their site today. Each Friday the ladies over at iVillage feature a round-up of Aussie bloggers to share with the online community. Can I get WOOT WOOT?

THE VERY BESTEST: I’m visiting my bestie and her furry children in Melbourne this weekend. I cannot wait to throw my arms around her and drink copious amounts of bubbles.

Over to you. What’s your best and worst of the week?


Friday fluff: How was your week?


Here is the download of my week:

1. I attended my cousin Josie’s wedding last Saturday. It’s always so beautiful to see two best friends commit to love and respect one another for life. I wish them all the happiness in the world. It was also lovely to spend some time with my family. I don’t get to see my family all that often but I’ve somehow managed to see them every weekend for the past month. How much fun are photo-booths? Below is a funny pic of me and my sister-in-laws.


2. Breaking Bad! Is anyone else watching this TV series? Hubby and I have just started watched the first series. Chemistry teacher with cancer turned drug maker. Love it!

3. I think my foot is finally starting to get better. My good friend Lyss was a Physio in a past life and has worked wonders on my foot. This eager beaver wants to exercise again.

4. Hubby and I are heading to Bali in two months. I finally finally finally got around to booking some accommodation this week. I’ve found us a spacious villa with private pool in Seminyak. Who wants to join us?


5. I’ve got a big decision to make soon. I’m in two minds about how to go about it. Do I write down the pros and cons? Do I speak openly about it and ask for advice? Do I seek out a therapist? Sounds cryptic I know!

6. Miley Cyrus. Who knew she had a wrecking ball fetish? Her new video clip almost broke the internet yesterday. The video was viewed over 19 million times in 24 hours. Clearly I was wrong and peeps want to see Miley in her birthday suit!

Do you have a busy weekend planned? Whatever you’re doing, do it with a smile. Your weekend starts now. Enjoy!
