Tuesday Tunes {FKA TWIGS}

I was driving in my car the other week, listening to Triple J and the song Papi Pacify came on.

Needless to say, I loved it and thats why I’m sharing it with you today. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. As soon as I’d parked my car, I was on iTunes downloading the song so I could hear it again.

The UK artist, FKA Twigs, {what a weird name!} is fairly new on the music scene. FKA wanted to be a dancer, but her passion for creating music won out.


The song Papi Pacify tells a story of a lover wanting clarification about the commitment and foundation of a relationship.

Artist: FKA Twigs
Song: Papi Pacify {click to listen}
Album: EP2


Warehouse wonderland

Yet another home to drool over.

Located in Hawthorn East Melbourne, this warehouse belongs to fashion designer Lynda Newton and her hubby. It’s an old blind factory converted into a contemporary three bedroom home.

Hawthorn-87-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-61-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-62-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

When the warehouse was being stripped, useable materials were salvaged and re-used.

Hawthorn-65-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-66-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-69-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-73-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

The natural light through these cathedral windows are blinding.

Hawthorn-78-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-83-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

Credit: Tara Pearce for est Magazine


5 women who inspire greatness

A celebration of women who inspire, challenge, explore, innovate, connect and encourage.

FlorenceWelch Christy DrewBarrymore





Tuesday Tunes {Rudimental}

Super excited to post this today! Rudimental. I’m seeing them tonight at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney. BOOM!

Who are Rudimental? They’re British. Four members. Combination of songwriters and producers. Electronic music.


The songs I’ll be rocking out too: Feel The Love (it’s my ring tone!), Not Giving In (everybody’s fav), Hell Could Freeze Over, Waiting All Night, Home and Give you Up. 



Weekly Lovers List {11SEP13}



Vibrant colours and textures are everywhere at the moment. Every store, every magazine, every website seems to be exploding with colour. {I blame Spring}. Now I don’t know about you but I’m always hesitant to experiment with colour – especially in my home. So far I’ve used a lot of neutrals, reds and greys to decorate my home. But I’m slowly introducing colour. It started with my Society 6 artwork, then came new cushion covers, knick knacks and my next step is to update the quilt covers.

I came across these colourful homewares during the week. Do you like? Me too!

1. I love the pastel indie pattern on this artwork. Driftaway canvas is made to order and available through Down that little Lane.

2. Could these hanging ball plants from Mister Moss be any cuter? I’m a plant killer. It’s a known fact. But these little balls require a weekly dip into a bucket of water and voila. The shipping charge is also super cheap.

3. Felt Ball Garland can brighten up any dreary room. Perfect for a nursery or in your living room. Available through Down that little lane.

4. If you read Real Living magazine then you’ll see Kip & Co linen featured all the time. They have a cult following! The colourful Obus quilt cover is my fav and it’s reversible! Win Win!

Lunchtime shopping anyone?


Mix & Match Interiors

Once a time upon a time, in a far far away land where fairies and unicorns roamed the earth, a rule book for interior design appeared under a puff of smoke.

Got your attention? Good.

Some folks may agree or disagree on this, but I think interior design has been matchy matchy for far too long. Generations and decades have gone by and people still think furniture, patterns, textures, fabric must all match.

Thank goodness it’s 2013 and we can say goodbye to pastel colours, ruffles on cushions and {R.I.P.} plaid fabric in every room. Trendy peeps have hit the fast forward button, thrown out the ancient rule book and are playing the game of mix + match instead.


Mix+Match: Stools, bowls, fabrics and throw cushions

Mix+Match Teacups

Mix+Match vintage teacups

Mix+Match chairs and stools

Mix+Match chairs and stools

Are you matchy matchy or do you prefer to Mix+Match?


My love for Melbourne

I’m in Melbourne this weekend visiting my bestie. Whilst I HATE HATE HATE that my bestie lives so far away from me, I absolutely love Melbourne; the coffee houses, the fashion, the small wine bars, fab food and who doesn’t love a tram ride!

Here are some of the things I LOVE about trendy Melbourne.

The hidden laneways ……

The street fashion ……

Via Michelle’s Style File

The food & wine …..

MoVida – tapas anyone?

And most of all ……

Coffee, coffee and more coffee

Look out Melbourne. I’m on my way!