Tuesday Tunes {James Vincent McMorrow}

I’m not sure where to begin with this song. I actually can’t remember where or when I heard it. Maybe a few months ago?

Picture this. I’m doing my housework, the TV is on and RAGE is providing me with some tunes. ‘Cavalier‘ comes on and I’m so engrossed in the video clip that I rewind it and play it again. It blew me away.

I grabbed my phone and found out I have already have the song downloaded.

James Vincent McMorrow is regarded as a folk singer…. but really he’s a modern version of a folk singer. The song ‘Cavalier‘ is emotional, incredibly compelling, quiet and demands your absolute attention. Its also intense yet subtle.


The song is captivating – it romantically sweeps you up and carries you along tenderly until you realise it’s a song about heartbreak. JVM’s voice breaks at the end and delivers pure emotion. Watch out for the goosebumps!

I can’t even talk about the video clip – it’s hard to watch – strippers & drug taking – but it’s beautifully shot.

Let me know what you think about the song?  Maybe I’m a big old softie that should stick to indie rock.

Artist:  James Vincent McMorrow
Song:   Cavalier (listen here)
Album: Post Tropical {2014}






Image credit: Casual Band Blogger & Scene Wave