Tuesday Tunes {Chet Faker}

This song was only released last week. I didn’t like it initially but it’s growing on me. I think it’s the strong sax and electric key combo that do it for me!

So who is Chet Faker {aka Nick Murphy}? He’s a super talented Melbourne musician/producer perfectionist. Best known for his vocals on the Flume track ‘Drop The Game’. Nick actually recorded an album, deleted it, re-wrote and re-recorded another album, deleted it again and thinks the 3rd time he got lucky.


Artist:  Chet Faker
Song:   Talk Is Cheap {Listen here}
Album: Built on Glass {due for release in April 2014}


Image credit: www.boudist.com & FasterLouder

Tuesday Tunes {Miami Horror}

Miami Horror call themselves psychedelic-dance adventurers. Wikipedia describes their style as indietronica. {Ummmmm, I have no idea what this means either!}.

However you want to describe them, I love them!

Today I’m bringing you another Australian band, this time from Melbourne. The lads in this band were enrolled in film school, dropped out and started creating remixes instead. Influences include Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson and Prince. {What’s not to love about that!!!}.


My fav song is titled ‘Real Slow’. Take a listen.

The beat has a retro vibe and Sarah Chernoff’s vocals are light and airy. The song is a gorgeous reminder to take things ‘slow’ with that someone special. Wink Wink!

Artist: Miami Horror
Song: Real Slow {ft. Sarah Chernoff}

Photo credit: djz & SoundCloud


Warehouse wonderland

Yet another home to drool over.

Located in Hawthorn East Melbourne, this warehouse belongs to fashion designer Lynda Newton and her hubby. It’s an old blind factory converted into a contemporary three bedroom home.

Hawthorn-87-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-61-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-62-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

When the warehouse was being stripped, useable materials were salvaged and re-used.

Hawthorn-65-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine Hawthorn-66-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-69-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-73-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

The natural light through these cathedral windows are blinding.

Hawthorn-78-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine  Hawthorn-83-©-Tara-Pearce-Est-Magazine

Credit: Tara Pearce for est Magazine


Tuesday Tunes {The Paper Kites}

I love the story of how The Paper Kites were formed. Just some school friends, writing music and occasionally playing music together in Melbourne. Some songs were released on the internet and a fan base started to build. Within months the indie band were accepted to play in a music festival (2010) and a natural progression into full time music followed.

The Paper Kites released their 3rd LP, States, a few months ago. I don’t mind the new tunes Young and St Clarity. But it’s there original song Bloom from the 2010 LP Beginnings that I love. It’s the sweetest little melody.


If your into Bombay Bicycle Club or Middle East, you might like this band!

Artist: The Paper Kites
Song: Bloom
Album: Beginnings (2010)

Photo credit here


WANTED: Sleep & wine (not necessarily in that order)

Don’t be fooled by the title. My week was so busy but dragged on waaaaaay to slow for my liking. I visited Melbourne, attended a boozy Rugby BBQ, danced like a 21 year old, tried to catch up on lost sleep, shopped a little, visited my Dr and researched Hunter Valley must-dos!

I promise I worked hard as well.

Let’s kick this off again. What was the best and worse of your week?

WORST: Saying goodbye to my bestie Jess at the airport. Jess lives in Melbourne and I live in Sydney but we try and make it work. Long distance friendships are hard (how on earth do lovers do it?). We try and visit one another as much as possible but it’s never enough! Jess, if you’re reading this, SYDNEY misses you.Move back. Now. That’s an order.

PicMonkey Collage

BEST: Seeing the Rudimental gig at The Enmore on Tuesday night. Perhaps my expectations were low, but these guys exploded onto the stage and didn’t stop for 90 minutes. Ten band members jumping around the stage singing, trumpeting, drumming and harmonising. The gig reminded me so much for seeing Groove Armada for the first time!

THE BESTEST: Leaving work early today to go wine tasting in the Hunter Valley with the family. The Hydralite and Nurofen are ready to go.I’ve also saved my pocket money so I can purchase copious amounts of lovely delicious wine!

Over to you. What’s your best and worst of the week?


Friday fluff: What’s happening in your world?

This is your cue to take a break from whatever you’re doing and have a chat. I wanna hear how your week was and what you did.

Was it good? Was it bad? Did something make you smile?

I’ll kick off. I’m nice like that.

WORST: Food poisoning. Japanese. Both ends. Enough said!

BEST: One of my best gal pals gave me a bottle Moet last Friday as a thank you gift. I did the littlest of favours for her and was rewarded with French bubbles. Sweet baby Jesus. What a delicious gift! Alyssa, if you’re reading this, you are so kind!

BEST: I won a $250 voucher to spend at my fav online store Down That Little Lane. {Thank you again Bronwyn and Shopping Junkie for choosing me!} I’m thinking about spending it on garden wares – or shoes – or artwork – or cushions – or a handbag. OK. OK. OK. I have no idea what to spend it on yet!

BEST: iVillage (sister website to Mamamia) will be featuring yours truly – The Lover List – on their site today. Each Friday the ladies over at iVillage feature a round-up of Aussie bloggers to share with the online community. Can I get WOOT WOOT?

THE VERY BESTEST: I’m visiting my bestie and her furry children in Melbourne this weekend. I cannot wait to throw my arms around her and drink copious amounts of bubbles.

Over to you. What’s your best and worst of the week?


Tuesday tunes {Snakadaktal}

Artist: Snakadaktal

Song: Fall Underneath

Album: Sleep in the Water

Snakadaktal (pronounced Snaka-dak-tal) is an Aussie indie band from Melbourne. Formed in 2009 the band has 5 members and were named Triple J Unearthed High winners in 2011. The band is getting some serious airtime with Triple J since releasing their EP a couple of weeks ago, Sleep in the Water.


The song Fall Underneath is an electronic indie pop song and it’s Phoebe’s delicate and serene vocals that reveal the band’s thoughts on life. Can this song please be listed on the next Ministry of Sound Chillout album pronto!


Tuesday tunes {Vance Joy}

Vance JoyArtist: Vance Joy

Song: Riptide

Album: God Loves You When You’re Dancing

This song is so quirky and catchy. Love it! I heard this song a while back but it’s getting a bit of air time at the moment on Australian radio stations. Vance Joy is a Melbourne based singer/songwriter and currently supporting Bernard Fanning on his Australian tour and hitting up Splendour in the Grass for a session.

Download the track – you’ll love it!


My love for Melbourne

I’m in Melbourne this weekend visiting my bestie. Whilst I HATE HATE HATE that my bestie lives so far away from me, I absolutely love Melbourne; the coffee houses, the fashion, the small wine bars, fab food and who doesn’t love a tram ride!

Here are some of the things I LOVE about trendy Melbourne.

The hidden laneways ……

The street fashion ……

Via Michelle’s Style File

The food & wine …..

MoVida – tapas anyone?

And most of all ……

Coffee, coffee and more coffee

Look out Melbourne. I’m on my way!