MOJO. Where are you?

slow down

Last week I needed to switch off and unplug. Take a step back. Digress. Internalise.

Why? I’m not sure. I actually can’t put my finger on it.

So I’m going to call it intuition. My gut was telling me to take a breather because let’s face it, sometimes life just gets fucking noisy. My creativity decided to pack up and abandon me. The butterflies I normally feel about life had headed south. A sense of overwhelming ‘blah’ took up residency.

Life, for a brief moment, was uninteresting.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working hard on new projects – expanding my mind, expanding my skills, expanding this very blog – and I’m now beginning to think it’s zapped my mojo. I’m empty.

But for the minute, I think I just really needed to write about this crazy uncalm feeling so I could jump ….. and get over it!

So there you have it. My mid week brain dump! Do you ever get like that? A feeling of uncalm? A case of the blahs?
