Vegas Letter Lights

Why do I always form obsessions over things I can’t really afford? I’m meant to be saving for a holiday to Vegas later in the year and instead I’m dreaming over Vegas Letter Lights for my living room.

Also known as Alphabet Lights!

vegasletterlightsvegasletterlights1vegasletterlights2vegasletterlights3Which one do you like?

I really really really LOVE LOVE LOVE the white Vegas Letter lights.

DownThatLittleLane also offer petite lights for kids rooms. Due to be released in mid 2014.



A wrap-up of my week!

It’s been a while since I posted a wrap-up and this week is perfect to re-start it.

  • What a roller-coaster of a week. My emotions exploded last Friday when I published this post about losing my third baby. For those of you that follow The Lovers List on Facebook you would have seen the outpouring of love and support that my husband and I received. I cannot thank you enough for the kind words, support offered and sharing your own personal stories of loss with me. I was unsure about publishing our story but ideally I wanted it to connect with those amazing women (and men) out there who have also suffered the loss of a pregnancy, baby, child.
  • My Christmas preparation plan has disappeared! Whilst my shopping is complete, I still didn’t get time to write out my Christmas cards, wrap gifts or sort out the Christmas decorations. But I did manage to buy myself a new scarf from French Connection and a new dress from St Frock. Priorities people!
  • The finale of Homeland series three. Didn’t anyone else catch it? Holy crap. Edge of the seat stuff!
  • Summer night BBQ’s in our yard. Does anything smell better than meat and onions cooking? Also loving the new daybed we purchased from Bunnings. {Dogs not included}.


  • Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues. Hubby and I got invited to a screening of this move last night. Pretty darn funny. So many cameo’s. {Thanks for the invite Chunk!}
  • Monaco ice cream bars. My local supermarket has had these bad guys on special for the past 2 weeks. How many do you think I’ve consumed?


  • I don’t know about you but I’m doing some serious soul searching this week. {Must be a full moon or something!}. It’s a combination of the year ending, work starting to slow down, friendships being questioned, sad emotions rearing their head and trying to close certain chapters in my life. It’s preparing for the brand new year ahead and setting out to discover my new dreams and ambitions.

Happy Friday peeps!


Manage your happiness level

I’ve made some poor choices lately. I’ve embarrassed myself. My behaviour is off and my mood swings are causing me to be high one minute and a scary bitch the next. Bit like a drug addict really.

My AHA-MOMENT came on Monday when I realised it wasn’t what was happening to me, but HOW I WAS REACTING TO IT.

‘A-ha’ I hear you say.

You see it’s meant to be the happiest time of the year, yet I was allowing to let the little things build up and send me into a frenzy. I knew I needed to take back control of my reactions and make the conscious decision to be happy with this stage of my life.

Here are my top five ways to ‘get happy’ again:

1) Surround yourself with positive people. Happiness is contagious. If you’re with happy people, their happiness and energy will rub off on you. High-energy people will lift you up, while people who tend to be negative will bring out your cynical side.


2) Let go of anything negative that happened during the day. Those events are over and now you can move on from them. When you find yourself drifting, gently remind yourself to shift focus to the joys in your life. Positive thinking leads to lower rates of depression and distress and a better physical well-being.


3) Practice gratitude. You KNOW I’m crazy for showing gratitude. Often times we caught up in the daily grind and forget to think about what we’re grateful for. The trick is to make practicing gratitude a routine. I keep a gratitude journal {Gratitude by HappyTapper} on my iPhone and try to jot down 3 things that made me feel grateful that day.


4) Work up a sweat. Get those good ol’ endorphins kicking and get an immediate boost in your mood. I’ve recently started walking home from the office twice a week. New music blasting in my ears, wind in my face and Sydney Harbour to marvel at! It doesn’t get much better than that. My Mum’s best advice has always been ‘get out of your head and into your body’.


5) Meditate. Carve out some “me” time and meditate. Meditation will lead you to a more calm, peaceful and happy existence. It reduces stress and tension, builds confidence and energy and reduces anxiety. Loads of people find meditation difficult, but my best advice would be to download a meditation app. I’m currently using the CALM app on my iPhone. There is a huge selection of 6 minute sessions to choose from: calm, anxiety release, compassion, confidence, energy, sleep etc. Once you’ve mastered 6 minute sessions, build it up to 10-20 minute sessions.


Which one of these steps do you think helps you the most? Are there any you would add? Let me know in the comments!


Wall of sound

This is quite possibly the most perfect gift to give to a music lover.

Marika Jarv is a clever little designer who likes to dabble in graphic art. Her musical ‘mash-up’ artworks are so cool and I’d love this on my wall at home.

Introducing the Wall of Sound.

MJMJ1The artworks are a mash-up of over 500 names, linked together on paper to form a spiral. Inspired by the grand old vinyl of course!

You like? sig1

Weekly Lovers List {04DEC}


1. SASS Home – Loving this bright spotty ironing board cover. Price is A$24.95 + postage.

2. Milk & Sugar – check out this melon chevron tea cup and saucer set. Loads of colours to choose from. Prices is A$21.95 + postage.

3. Milk & Sugar – great gift for the traveller in your life, these bathroom bags are only A$19.95 + postage.

4. Country Road – lemon print swimwear! I die! Prices from A $39.95 per piece + postage.


Hair-spiration {Did I really just use that word?}

Dedicated readers lovers of this blog will know that I’m growing out my ‘pixie’ cut. I started growing it out 11 months ago and my hair STILL hasn’t hit my damn shoulders. (Question – is there a pill on the market that makes hair grow faster?)

This is my current length. My lipstick needs reapplying (crap!)

This is my current length. (Are my lips lopsided?)

A few of my friends and couple of work colleagues keep telling me that I’m making progress and it’s getting longer. I can even tie my hair back now in the shortest little pony tail you’ll ever see.

I also keep getting asked what my goal length is.

I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Drum roll please!

AC4 Elle Style Awards 2012 - London

Messy bangs, long bobs, dip-dye and ombre.

AC2 AC3Oh yeah, Alexa Chung is my new crush inspiration. I’m not sure I could pull off the bangs but I’d be willing to live and learn!

Alexa Chung. Hair Envy. My new goal. THAT’S what I want.

Over and out!sig1

Photo credit:,,

The Lover List is on Spring break

Dear Lovers

The Lover List is taking a short vacation this week. No posts. No updates. Just sunshine, surf, sand, shopping and sarongs for me.

Hubby and I are in Bali for a few days. It’s time to relax and unwind before the silly season really gets underway.

My addiction to Instagram is universal so feel free to follow me. There will be plenty of holiday photos uploaded to keep you entertained and jealous.

See you all again next week!


FASHION: MARCS loves summer

MARCS just released their summer line and my credit card is super duper scared. MARCS is famous for their luxury basics. The relaxed collection is always suitable for work and play. And this season is no different. The line is fresh, clean and the animal prints make these pieces HOT HOT HOT for summer.

MARCSI desperately want that white/turquoise dress {animal blur} in my wardrobe.

Credit: MARCS


CRASHMAT: Bean bag goodness

Looking for a comfortable place to sit back and relax in your garden? Or a comfy spot to read a book indoors? Then get ready to crash into a CRASHMAT!

Crashmat bean bags are waterproof, made from cotton canvas and feature child safe zippers. Check out some of the colour options you can choose from.

Black & White Stripe bean bag

Black & White Stripe bean bag
Red Bean Bag

Red Bean Bag

Lime Floral Bean Bag

Lime Floral Bean Bag

Red Zig Zag bean bag

Red Zig Zag bean bag

Staggered Stripe bean bag

Staggered Stripe bean bag

Crashmat also offer kids bean bags, beach chairs, cushions and pet beds!

BARGAIN: Crashmat are offering FREE SHIPPING on all Australian purchases this week only. Just enter FREESHIPOCT when you check out.


Weekly Lovers List {09OCT13}


More homewares to get us through hump day!


1. LoveHate ceramic diamond planters – available in four colours (Karrot, smokey quartz, cut glass, fools gold).

2. Circa Home have captured Florence Broadhurst’s life through iconic prints and fragrances. My favourite scent is the 1942 Velvet Petals – gardenia and white musk.

3. Country Road Totem Bath Towels – Loving this raspberry chevron pattern.

4. are currently selling these silicone mould’s that creates a 2.5″ slow-melting ice ball. So elegant! Perfect for the scotch sipper in your life.
