Testing cosmetics on animals should be banned


Earlier this week, you may have heard The Australian Greens introduced a bill into the Federal parliament which would ban all cosmetic testing on animals.

Insert fist pump here!

If the bill gets supported, and we should BLOODY well support it, Australian’s would be taking a step closer to a world that stands strong against cruelty to animals.

Before I go any further, here comes a truth bomb. I actually didn’t know if the beauty products I use were tested on animals or not. Shock. Horror. Shoot me.

Buying hand cream/foundation/eye shadow that has been tested on animals is a bad choice. Poor innocent animals shouldn’t be subjected to pain and all sorts of horrors for the sake of slapping some cream on my face. Dogs, mice, rats and other animals shouldn’t be locked in cold cages. They shouldn’t sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them.

{Here’s a suggestion. Why not test beauty products on disgusting human beings like Brett Cowan?}

Maybe I’ve turned a blind eye to animal cruelty. Why? Because it’s super sad to hear about and I feel helpless. But I/WE need to open our eyes to the bigger picture here. As of today, we can make better informed choices about what we eat and what we buy.

The first step is learn which companies test their products on animals – click here. Wave bye bye to Clinique, Garnier, TREsemme, Dove, Maybelline, Kerastase, L’Oreal?

The second step is to open our cosmetic bags and bathroom cabinets and see if any of the listed companies and brands reside with you.

MOST IMPORTANTLY. Let’s support the companies that pledge to NEVER test on animals. Click here.

What else can we do?
How serious are you about choosing cruelty free beauty products?  Take the pledge today and don’t buy anymore products tested on animals. Get familiar with the cruelty free company list. Check labels. Show those bunnies and guinea pigs that you care. And don’t forget to encourage family and friends to buy cruelty free products.

Be informed. Make better choices.

Side note: I admit I eat meat. I own leather products. I’ve attended a circus show. Until this week I had never really considered the impact of these actions on animals. Researching this post made me commit to animals rights, so from this week onwards I’ll be following the #MeatFreeMonday movement, I won’t be buying anymore leather products and the circus can get stuffed!

Image credit: Pet Safety News
